MARCO POLO association, through ACCADEMIA LIBERA NATURA E CULTURA, has developed a calendar of high level events, collaborating with numerous associations from the Val di Cecina, involving the municipalities of Montecatini Val di Cecina, Volterra and Castelnuovo, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Russia. Four festivals take place on the natural stages of the castles and villages of Querceto, Mazzolla, Pignano and Montecastelli.
The piano, the opera, tango and chamber music are the protagonists of the ARTE & MUSICA festival, but also performances of jazz and world music are scheduled. Enriched by training courses, ARTE & MUSICA creates a synergy between the local and the international scene and brings together different nations and languages in a climate of friendship and dialogue.
L’ACCADEMIA essendo fondazione dell’associazione MARCO POLO tutti coloro che partecipano ad un seminario, ad un corso o ad uno stage o alloggiano in un appartamento MARCO POLO devono essere in possesso della tessera MARCO POLO in regola con il pagamento della quota annuale 15 €