21/07 | Sunday | 21.00 | 15 €
Querceto – Concerthall
Lilia Boyadjieva‘s playing has won widespread acclaim:
“Powerful and delicate, masterful and idiomatic” – “Intensity of purpose and bold dynamic control” – “Lyrical, mercurial reading as well as a strong one” – “Power of expression allied to extreme emotional tension”
Audiences at every performance are invariably enthralled, surprised, sometimes disturbed but never indifferent. With unwavering conviction, she has interpreted works from the full spectrum of the established repertoire: from J.S. Bach – for whose music she entertains a very deep admiration and appreciation – to the 20th century music, for which she feels a special affinity – working exhaustively on Samuel Barber and Shostakovich as well as on most Bulgarian and Greek composers – through the standard classical, romantic and post-romantic works.
Her recording of Barber’s complete piano works has been praised by Fanfare Magazine (March/April 1997) as : “… probably the most valuable CD solely devoted to Barber’s keyboard music.” In particular, her interpretation of the Barber Sonata (op. 26), “played with an extraordinary combination of power and delicacy, is one of the finest readings on record.” Among critics, the consensus is that her strong interpretative skills bring new dimensions to familiar works, in addition to being both inspiring and exciting.
Born and educated in Sofia, Bulgaria, she completed her studies at the Moscow Conservatory « P. I. Tschaïkovsky », with Professor T. D. Gutman. Her awards at international piano competitions include prizes at Senigalia (Italy – 1979), Vianna da Motta (Portugal – 1983), Maria Callas (Greece – 1985) and more.
Invited by prestigious Festivals (Montpellier, Auvers-sur-Oise, Dublin, Montevideo, Moscow, Taiwan, Athens…) she performs in recitals as a soloist, with orchestras and with chamber music ensembles. Radio and television organizations in different countries often broadcast her concerts.
Very appreciated for her teaching abilities, she has taught at the Sofia Musical Academy, in Athens and Paris (CNR, Schola Cantorum). She gives numerous master classes in Greece, France, Russia and the U.S.
The US label ARTEK Recordings has published her CD “Around the Fugue” – a polyphonic journey from Bach until today and a Shostakovich CD (2nd Sonata, 24 Preludes and 3 Fantastic Dances.
She is currently preparing her next CD with Bach’s Goldberg Variations, which will be published in 2019 under the US label Centaur.
Lilia Boyadjieva is also the organizer of the International Piano Competition “De Bach au Jazz” (2013, 2015 in Paris, 2018 in Athens).
Since the orchestral fusion in 2007, Dora Bratchkova has been the first concertmaster of the Deutsche Radio Philharmonie, as well as an internationally sought-after and established soloist, Primaria of the Rasumowsky Quartet and, since 2003, Professor of Violin at the ‘Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst’ in Mannheim.
After completing her studies with Prof. Boian Lechev, a student of David Oistrakh, she won prizes at renowned international competitions, ia. the Bach Competition in Leipzig, the Curci Competition in Naples and the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow.
In concert tours throughout Europe and Japan, she appears as a soloist and chamber musician. She worked together with renowned conductors, such as u.a. Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, Marcello Viotti and Emmanuel Krivine.
Her CDs with works by Dietrich, Gade, Kuhlau, Paganini, Rolla, Sinding, Stahmer and Stravinsky can be found on the labels ‘cpo’, ‘Dynamik’ and ‘Koch International’. A complete recording of all fifteen string quartets by Dimitri Shostakovich on the occasion of his 100th birthday, published on the label ‘Oehms Classics’ in summer 2006 in time for the anniversary, was received with great enthusiasm. An excellent review in the trade press has also received the first complete recording of all string quartets by the Swiss Romantic composer Friedrich Theodor Fröhlich (label cpo, 2016).
For many years Dora Bratchkova was a lecturer at the Music Academy in Sofia, Primaria of the Bulgarian Bulgarian Quartet and first concertmaster of the Radio Symphony Orchestra Saarbrücken. She is a juror at various international competitions and regularly holds violin and chamber music master classes. Based on the traditions of the Russian string school, she feels as an interpreter and pedagogue alike of historical performance practice and contemporary music.
Dora Bratchkova ist seit der Orchesterfusion 2007 erste Konzertmeisterin der Deutschen Radio Philharmonie, außerdem eine international gefragte und etablierte Solistin, Primaria des Rasumowsky-Quartetts und seit 2003 Professorin für Violine an der ‘Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst’ in Mannheim.
Nach ihrer Ausbildung bei Prof. Boian Lechev, einem Schüler von David Oistrach, gewann sie Preise bei renommierten internationalen Wettbewerben, u.a. dem Bachwettbewerb in Leipzig, dem Curci-Wettbewerb in Neapel und dem Tschaikowski-Wettbewerb in Moskau.
In Konzertreisen durch ganz Europa und Japan tritt sie als Solistin und Kammermusikerin auf. Dabei arbeitete sie mit renommierten Dirigenten zusammen, wie u.a. Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, Marcello Viotti und Emmanuel Krivine.
Ihre CDs mit Werken von Dietrich, Gade, Kuhlau, Paganini, Rolla, Sinding, Stahmer und Strawinsky sind bei den Labels ‘cpo’, ‘Dynamik’ und ‘Koch International’ zu finden. Eine Gesamteinspielung aller fünfzehn Streichquartette von Dimitri Schostakowitsch anlässlich seines 100. Geburtstag, beim Label ‘Oehms Classics’ im Sommer 2006 rechtzeitig zum Jubiläum erschienen, wurde begeistert aufgenommen. Hervorragende Besprechung in der Fachpresse hat auch die erste Gesamteinspielung sämtlicher Streichquartette des Schweizer Romantikers Friedrich Theodor Fröhlich bekommen (Label cpo, 2016).
Lange Jahre war Dora Bratchkova Dozentin an der Musikhochschule in Sofia, Primaria des staatlichen bulgarischen Sliven-Quartetts und erste Konzertmeisterin des Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchesters Saarbrücken. Sie ist Jurorin bei verschiedenen internationalen Wettbewerben und hält regelmäßig Violin- und Kammermusik-Meisterkurse. Ausgehend von den Traditionen der russischen Streicherschule fühlt sie sich als Interpretin und Pädagogin gleichermaßen der historischen Aufführungspraxis sowie der Zeitgenössischen Musik verbunden.
L. Van Beethoven: Sonata n. 3 in mi bemolle maggiore, op. 12 n. 3
Allegro con spirito
Adagio con molt’espressione
Rondo. Allegro molto
M. Ravel: Sonata n. 2 in sol maggiore
Blues. Moderato
Perpetuum mobile. Allegro
D. Shostakovich: Sonata in sol maggiore, op. 134
Sponsor della serata: Le Tassinaie